The Tarot

is a magical tool

that can help us connect

to the Divine.

Schedule a Reading Today

What would you ask the Divine if you could ask anything? What information would help you be more resourceful in navigating this Life?

“Thank you so much for our reading. I am at Peace and am grinning from ear to ear. I think you are magnificent and very gifted. I felt immediately comfortable with you because I knew you were the real deal. So much thanks and so wonderful to know you.” Sarah

“Thank you for the reading. I shared with my women’s group how "spot on" you were and how necessary it was for me to get "my energetic tentacles out of everybody else's stuff." Others also immediately commented on what a tremendous Tarot reader you are.” Leslie



  • Readings

    A one-on-one reading is an illuminating conversation between you and the Divine.

  • Group Readings

    Family, Friends and Business Group Readings. A fun and immersive way to elevate the conversation with each other and play with the Divine.

  • Coach / Client Consultations

    A collaboration with Coaches and their Clients concerning the bigger issues, values and blocks that are preventing the Client from creating the Life of their dreams.

  • Tarot Classes

    An exploration of the structure and story of the Tarot and how it can help us in our own individual relationship with the Divine.

  • Open Tarot

    Open sessions for anyone who wants to “play” with each other and the Divine.

  • Retreats

    A fun way to play with each other and the Divine in a way that is outside our everyday life.

“Thanks to Roz, I have more clarity of my super power to manifest!”

– Meisha